TPCx-V Top Price/Performance Results
Version 2 Results   As of 20-Sept-2024 at 7:07 PM  [GMT]
Note 1: The TPC believes it is not valid to compare prices or price/performance of results in different currencies.
All Active Results   Active Clustered Results   Active Non-Clustered Results            Currency:             Include Historical Results

Rank Company System Performance (TpsV) Price/TpsV Watts/TpsV System Availability Virtualization SW Guest VM OS Date Submitted
1   InspurCloud         InspurCloud ICP Edge ICP5220A4   4,640  12.08 USD NR 08/21/24  Inspur Cloud Platform v3.7   InLinux LTS 23.12   08/21/24 
2   Dell                Dell PowerEdge R7625   4,560  35.04 USD NR 03/31/23  VMWare vSphere 7.0.3   Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server Release 7.6   03/31/23 
3   Dell                DellPowerEdge R7525   3,600  36.50 USD NR 09/24/21  VMWare vSphere 7.0.2   Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.3   09/24/21 

Legend (background color):
 Result either 'In Review' or 'Accepted'  

'NR' in the Watts/TpsV column indicates that no energy data was reported for that benchmark.