First TPC Technology Conference on Performance Evaluation & Benchmarking (TPCTC 2009)
in conjunction with VLDB 2009
Conference Program |
August 24, 2009 |
08:30 - 08:45 |
Opening Remarks Raghunath Nambiar (HP), General Chair |
08:45 - 09:00 |
TPC Public Relations Presentation Transaction Processing Performance Council (TPC):
Twenty Years Later – A Look Back, A Look Ahead Raghunath Nambiar (Hewlett-Packard), Matthew Lanken (Oracle), Nicholas Wakou (Dell), Forrest Carman (Owen Media), Michael Majdalany (LoBue & Majdalany Management Group) |
09:00 - 09:45 |
Keynote Speech: A New Direction for TPC? Michael Stonebraker (MIT) |
09:45 - 10:30 |
Invited Talk: The Art of Building a Good Benchmark Karl Huppler (IBM), Chairman TPC |
10:30 - 11:00 |
Coffee Break |
11:00 - 12:30 |
Session 1 - Emerging Benchmark Areas
Databases are not Toasters: A Framework for Comparing Data Warehouse Appliances Omer Trajman (Vertica), Alain Crolotte (Teradata), David Steinhoff (ParAccel), Raghunath Nambiar (Hewlett-Packard), Meikel Poess (Oracle)
The State of Energy and Performance Benchmarking for Enterprise Servers
Andrew Fanara (US EPA), Evan Haines (ICF International), Arthur Howard (ICF International)
From Performance to Dependability Benchmarking: A Mandatory Path
Marco Vieira (University of Coimbra), Henrique Madeira (University of Coimbra)
Overview of TPC Benchmark E: The Next Generation of OLTP Benchmarks
Patricia Hogan (IBM)
12:30 - 14:00 |
Lunch Break |
14:00 - 15:30 |
Session 2 - New Approaches in Benchmarking
DSQGEN, a Generic Query Generator for TPC-H
John Stephens (Gradient Systems), Meikel Poess (Oracle)
Generating Shifting Workloads to Benchmark Adaptability in Relational Database Systems
Tilmann Rabl (University of Passau), Andreas Lang (University of Passau), Thomas Hackl (University of Passau), Bernhard Sick (University of Passau), Harald Kosch (University of Passau)
Measuring Database Performance in Online Services: a Trace-Based Approach
Swaroop Kavalanekar (Microsoft), Dushyanth Narayanan (Microsoft Reserach), Sriram Sanka (Microsoft), Eno Thereska (Microsoft Research), Kushagra Vaid (Microsoft), Bruce Worthington (Microsoft)
Issues in Benchmark Metric Selection Alain Crolotte (Teradata) |
15:30 - 16:00 |
Coffee Break |
16:00 - 17:30 |
Session 3 - New Benchmarks (1)
Benchmarking Query Execution Robustness
Janet L. Wiener (HP labs), Harumi Kuno (HP labs), Goetz Graefe (HP labs)
Benchmarking Database Performance in a Virtual Environment
Sharada Bose (Hewlett-Packard), Priti Mishra (VMware), Priya Sethuraman (VMware), Reza Taheri (VMware)
Principles for an ETL Benchmark
Len Wyatt (Microsoft), Brian Caufield (IBM), Daniel Pol (Hewlett-Packard)
Benchmarking ETL Workflows
Alkis Simitsis (HP labs), Panos Vassiliadis (University of Ioannina), Umeshwar Dayal (HP labs), Anastasios Karagiannis (University of Ioannina), Vasiliki Tziovara (University of Ioannina) |
17:30 - 17:40 |
Break |
17:40 - 18:40 |
Session 4 - New Benchmarks (2)
A Performance Study of Event Processing Systems
Marcelo R.N. Mendes (University of Coimbra), Pedro Bizarro (University of Coimbra), Paulo Marques (University of Coimbra)
The Star Schema Benchmark and Augmented Fact Table Indexing
Patrick O'Neil (University of Massachusetts at Boston), Elizabeth O'Neil (University of Massachusetts at Boston), Xuedong Chen (University of Massachusetts at Boston), Stephen Revilak University of Massachusetts at Boston)
An Approach of Performance Evaluation in Authentic Web Database Applications
Xiaojun Ye (Tsinghua University), Jingmin Xie (Tsinghua University)
18:40 - 19:00 |
Closing Remarks Meikel Poess (Oracle), Program Committee Chair |
19:00 - 20:00 |
Cocktail Hour (Sponsored by the TPC) |
Call For Papers
First established in August 1988, the TPC has shaped the landscape of modern transaction processing and database benchmarks over two decades. Now, the world is in the midst of an extraordinary information explosion. Enterprise data and user generated data levels continue to grow exponentially. This has challenged researchers and industry experts to develop innovative techniques to evaluate and benchmark software and hardware technologies for 2010 and beyond. As a result, the TPC is conducting a conference in conjunction with VLDB09, and has encouraged researchers and industry experts to submit novel ideas and methodologies in performance evaluation, measurement, and characterization.
Submission Guidelines |
Authors were invited to submit original, unpublished papers that were not currently under review for any other conference or journal. We also encouraged the submission of extended abstracts, position statement papers and lessons learned in practice. The length of a paper was specified not exceed 16 pages. Papers were requested to follow the LNBIP format. The title page must contain a short abstract. A template in MS Word Format can be downloaded from Springer. All papers were submitted electronically in PDF format.
Conference Venue and Registration
Please visit the VLDB09 conference web site at http://www.vldb2009.org.
Proceedings |
Proceedings will be published by Springer-Verlag as Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS). Selected papers may be considered for future TPC benchmark developments. |
TPCTC 2009 Organization |
General Chair:
Raghunath Nambiar, Hewlett-Packard, raghu.nambiar@hp.com
Program Committee:
Meikel Poess, Oracle, USA, Committee Chair
Alain Crolotte, Teradata, USA
Berni Schiefer, IBM, Canada
Krithi Ramamritham, IIT Bombay, India
Mike Molloy, Dell, USA
Murali Krishna, Hewlett-Packard, USA
Omer Trajman, Vertica, USA
Paul Larson, Microsoft, USA
Yicheng Tu, University of South Florida, USA
Publicity Committee:
Nicholas Wakou, Dell, Committee Chair
Jerrold Buggert, Unisys
Matthew Lanken, Oracle
Michael Majdalany, L&M Management Group
Peter Thawley, Sybase
Keynote: Mike Stonebraker, MIT
Invited Speaker: Karl Huppler, IBM, Chairman TPC