Who We Are

If you would like to reach a representative from a member company, please contact the TPC Administrator at: Admin@TPC.org

Full Members
Actian Alibaba AMD Borrui Cisco
Dell Fujitsu HPE Hitachi Huawei
IEIT Systems Inspur Cloud Intel Lenovo Microsoft
Nutanix Nvidia Oracle Redhat Timecho
Transwarp TTA VMware
Associate Members
Universidade de Coimbra Imec Tsinghua

TPC Professional Affiliates
TPC Professional Affiliates are those individuals designated by the TPC as engaged in business activity that complements or helps fulfill the TPC's mission. Affiliates cannot be TPC members or associate members, or appointed representatives of members or associate members. Appointment of TPC affiliates is at the complete discretion of the TPC.
  • Bankmark
  • Hotea Solutions - provides comprehensive web design and development services.  Hotea Solutions maintains the TPC Web Site.
  • Infobellit - an IT services company helping server vendors, and chip manufacturers  in performance tuning of TPC benchmarks run as workloads on cloud and on-premise .
  • InfoSizing - a consulting firm specializing in accurate sizing of information systems through the design, management and analysis of performance benchmarks
  • Metrology - provides expertise in the measurement and analysis of computer system performance.
  • Performance Dynamics Company - provides consultation and training services for the management of high performance computing systems
  • Performance Tuning Corp. - provides database and system performance consulting services, including benchmarking, system tuning, troubleshooting, cluster configuration, training and system configuration
  • SBI Association Management - provides a comprehensive portfolio of services ranging from formation to ongoing execution of an association's daily activities.  SBIMS manages the TPC's operations.

TPC Auditors
TPC benchmarks must be independently audited prior to submission to the TPC.  The following table lists the individuals certified by the TPC to audit benchmark results.
Company Name Email Address Phone Benchmark Certifications
InfoSizing Doug Johnson doug@sizing.com 63 Lourdes Drive
Leominster, MA  01453
(978) 343-6562 C, E, H, x-AI, x-BB, x-HCI, x-HS, x-IoT, x-V
Honor Roll
Omri Serlin -   TPC Founder
Tom Sawyer - TPC Co-Founder
Jim Gray -       Industry Leader