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TPC Download Current Specs/Source    237
TPC-Error 403.4    180
TPC-Error 403.4    167
TPC Who We Are    165
TPC-Error 403.4    147
TPC-Error 403.4    140
TPC Contact Us    116
TPCx-HS Top Price/Performance Results    105
TPC Benchmarks Overview    102
TPC-Error 403.4    99
TPC-Error 403.4    76
TPC-Error 403.4    58
TPC-C All Results - Sorted by Performance    53
TPC Results Download    41
TPC-H Tools Download    41
TPC-DS V3 Advanced Sort    38
TPC Download Error    36
TPC-E Advanced Sort    36
TPC-Error 403.4    33
TPC History of TPC    32
TPC-C Top Performance Results    31
TPC-Error 403.4    31
TPC-Error 403.4    29
TPC-C Advanced Sort    28
TPC-Error 403.4    28
TPC-Error 403.4    28
TPC-Error 403.4    28
TPC-Error 403.4    26
TPC-Error 403.4    26
TPC-Error 403.4    26
TPC-Error 403.4    25
TPC FAQ    23
TPC Join the TPC    23
TPC-Error 403.4    23
TPC-Error 403.4    23
TPC-Error 403.4    23
TPC-C All Results - Sorted by Database Vendor    22
TPC-C Overview    22
TPC-Error 403.4    22
TPC-Error 403.4    22
TPC-Error 403.4    22
TPC-Error 403.4    22
TPC-H V3 Advanced Sort    22
TPCx-HS - Advanced Sort    22
TPC-DS V3 Top Performance Results    21
TPC-Error 403.4    21
TPC-H V3 All Results - Sorted by Performance    21
TPC-DS Tools Download    20
TPC-Error 403.4    20
TPC-Error 403.4    20
TPC-Error 403.4    20
TPC-H V3 Top Performance Results    20
TPC-Error 403.4    19
TPC-Error 403.4    19
TPC OLTP Overview    18
TPC Sign-Up    18
TPC-H V3 All Results - Sorted by Hardware Vendor    18
TPC-Energy Overview    17
TPCx-BB Top Performance Results    17
TPC Decision Support Overview    15
TPC-DS V3 All Results - Sorted by Database Vendor    15
TPC-DS V3 All Results - Sorted by Performance    15
TPC-E All Results - Sorted by Database Vendor    15
TPC-E Top Performance Results    15
TPC-Error 403.4    15
TPC-H Details: Dell PowerEdge R7625    15
TPCx-HS Top Performance Results    15
TPC Submission Checklist    14
TPC-C All Results - Sorted by Hardware Vendor    14
TPC-C Most Recently Published Results    14
TPC-H V3 Advanced Sort    14
TPCx-AI All Results - Sorted by Performance    14
TPCx-V All Results - Sorted by Performance    14
TPC Performance-Pulse    13
TPC-C Top Performance Results - Non-Clustered    13
TPC-DS Details: Databricks SQL 8.3    13
TPC-E All Results - Sorted by Hardware Vendor    13
TPC-Error 403.4    13
TPC-H Tools Download    13
TPC-H V3 All Results - Sorted by Database Vendor    13
TPCx-AI Advanced Sort    13
TPCx-BB Details: Hewlett Packard Enterprise ProLiant DL Gen10 for Big Data    13
TPCx-IoT All Results - Sorted by Database Vendor    13
TPCx-IoT All Results - Sorted by Hardware Vendor    13
TPC-E Top Price/Performance Results    12
TPC-Error 403.4    12
TPC-Error 403.4    12
TPC-Error 403.4    12
TPC-Error 403.4    12
TPC-Error 403.4    12
TPCx-V All Results - Sorted by Virtualization SW    12
TPC - About the TPC    11
TPC-E Details: Lenovo ThinkSystem SR655 V3    11
TPC-E Details: Lenovo ThinkSystem SR860 V2    11
TPC-Error 403.4    11
TPC-Error 403.4    11
TPC-H V3 Most Recently Published Results    11
TPC-H V3 Top Watts/Performance Results    11
TPCTC 2024    11
TPCx-AI Ten Most Recently Published Results    11
TPCx-AI Top Performance Results    11
TPCx-BB Advanced Sort    11
TPCx-V Advanced Sort    11
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TPC-C Top Price/Performance Results - Non-Clustered    10
TPC-DS V3 Advanced Sort    10
TPC-DS V3 Top Performance Results - Clustered    10
TPC-E All Results - Sorted by Performance    10
TPC-Error 403.4    10
TPC-Error 403.4    10
TPC-H V3 Top Performance Results - Non-Clustered    10
TPC-H V3 Top Price/Performance Results    10
TPC-Newsletters    10
TPCx-AI All Results - Sorted by Hardware Vendor    10
TPCx-AI Top Watts/Performance Results    10
TPCx-IoT V2 Top Price/Performance Results    10
TPCx-V Most Recently Published Results    10
TPC-C Details: SPARC T5-8 Server    9
TPC-DS V3 All Results - Sorted by Hardware Vendor    9
TPC-DS V3 Top Performance Results - Non-Clustered    9
TPC-DS V3 Top Price/Performance Results    9
TPC-E Details: Lenovo ThinkSystem SR665    9
TPC-E Details: Lenovo ThinkSystem SR950    9
TPC-E Ten Most Recently Published Results    9
TPC-E Top Watts/Performance Results    9
TPC-Error 403.4    9
TPC-H V3 Top Performance Results - Clustered    9
TPCx-AI All Results - Sorted by Framework    9
TPCx-AI Top Price/Performance Results    9
TPCx-BB All Results - Sorted by DBMS Software (Big Data Software Framework)    9
TPCx-HS Details: InspurCloud Physical Server for Data    9
TPCx-IoT All Results - Sorted by Performance    9
TPC-C All Results - Sorted by Performance    8
TPC-C Top Price/Performance Results    8
TPC-C Top Watts/Performance Results    8
TPC-E Details: Lenovo ThinkSystem SR650 V3    8
TPC-E Details: Lenovo ThinkSystem SR665 V3    8
TPC-E Details: NEC Express5800/A1160 (16 Processors)    8
TPC-H Details: Alipay Cloud Explorer    8
TPC-H Details: SYSGEAR M50CYP2UR208_6334    8
TPC-H V3 Top Price/Performance Results - Non-Clustered    8
TPCx-BB Details: Dell PowerEdge R660/R760    8
TPCx-BB Details: InspurCloud Data-Cloud Server    8
TPCx-BB Ten Most Recently Published Results    8
TPCx-BB Top Price/Performance Results    8
TPCx-HS Top Watts/Performance Results    8
TPCx-IoT V2 Advanced Sort    8
TPCx-IoT V2 Top Performance Results    8
TPCx-V All Results - Sorted by Hardware Vendor    8