TPCx-AI Result Highlights  (for Non-TPC Members)
As of 27-Jul-2024 at 6:01 AM  [GMT]

Nettrix                R620 G40

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Benchmark Stats
Result ID: 122112201 
Status: Accepted Result 
Report Date: 11/22/22 
Active Expiration Date: 11/28/25 
TPCx-AI Spec. Rev: 1.0.2  
TPC-Pricing Spec. Rev: 2.8.0  
TPC-Energy Spec. Rev: 1.5.0  
Auditor: Doug Johnson 
System Information
Total System Cost: 589,028 USD
Performance 6,243.07 AIUCpm@SF3000
Price/Performance 94.35 USD per AIUCpm@SF3000
TPC-Energy Metric Not reported
Availability Date 11/23/22 
Operating System Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.2  
Framework CDP Private Cloud Base Edition Vesion 7.1.7  
Server Specific Information
CPU Type: Intel Xeon Platinum 8380 2.3GHz  
Cluster: Yes
Node Count: 16 
Total # of Processors:
Total # of Cores: 16 
Total # of Threads: 32 
Concurrent Streams: 10
Memory (in GB): 1,280.00
Memory Ratio: .18
Storage Ratio: 43.60
Main Data Redundancy Model: Replication3
Overall Run Time: 37,218.201 Seconds
Load Test Time: 3,164.373 Seconds
Power Training Time: 13,506.146 Seconds
Power Serving1 Time: 1,126.519 Seconds
Power Serving2 Time: 1,129.396 Seconds
Scoring Time: 440.305 Seconds
Throughput Test Time: 8,995.729 Seconds

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